LOGI supports the development of a Public Consultations Law in partnership with ICNL
on 10/7/2020

اقرأ هذا الخبر في اللّغة العربية

Lebanon’s only salvation lies on the hands of true reform, spearheaded by a solid legislative framework.

The non-participatory and non-inclusive process adopted by parliament up to date to review and pass laws has given birth to regulations that are described in many instances as containing loopholes and not-fit for purpose.

The Lebanese Oil and Gas initiative has supported the development of a Public Consultation Law to ensure that an inclusive, participatory approach is followed throughout the legislation and ratification of laws and regulations.

Greater public participation and involvement in the development of a robust and much needed legislative framework will ensure that Lebanese citizens are part of and own the reform process.

To this end, LOGI will be launching a series of online webinars with legal expert Fatima Karaki and others to unfold the public consultations processes and legal requirements.

True reforms can only happen if citizens are allowed to play a central law in leading on them.

Click below to read the brief of the law.

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