Hariri says ‘final decision’ on southern dispute possible by September

Prime Minister Saad Hariri said that negotiations on the southern maritime border dispute with Israel were “viable” and that a “final decision” could be reached by September.

“We consider the process to be viable and will continue to support constitutional next steps leading up to a final decision in the coming months, hopefully September,” Hariri after a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Washington. 

The U.S. has since May been mediating preliminary negotiations to set the ground-rules for talks to resolve the dispute over maritime border demarcation. 

“We are prepared to participate as a mediator and a facilitator in the maritime discussions,” Pompeo said. “The right solution...will be greatly beneficial to Lebanon and the greater region,” he added.

For an explainer on the southern maritime border dispute, click here


Photo source: The Daily Star website

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